KPI Statistics

What is KPI?

The KPI Process consists of five PCC KPIs, as issued by the Superintendent of Private Career Colleges under the authority of the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005.
•Graduate Rate
•Graduate Employment Rate
•Graduate Employment in Field of Study
•Graduate Satisfaction Rate
•Employer Satisfaction Rate

Audited Data is submitted by PCCs three times per year and are used to calculate the graduation rate. Surveys taken by graduates and their employers are used to calculate the remaining four KPIs. To be considered a graduate included in these calculations, the student must have completed the program in under double the time stated as the program’s duration (e.g., if taking a 5 weeks program, the student must complete and graduate from the program in under 10 weeks of enrollment).

Using the link below, you can view the most recent Ministry-published KPI statistics.

Key Performance Indicators (KPI)